Monday, November 11, 2013

Lviv, Ukraine

We could have studied in Kiev but Lviv is so much cooler

Dasha & Andrew - Northern Ukraine — in Lviv, Ukraine

Chorna Kamianytsya, the Black House, was originally gray sandstone but has darkened over the years since 1577, when it was built. The tiny seat at the entrance where a guard used to sit was intentionally made extremely uncomfortable, so that the guard wouldn’t fall asleep (you can try for yourself)

Wrote in German that he loves Georgia, spoke to us in Ukrainian

David - architect and artist from Sakartvello (native name for Georgia)

Ivan Fedorovič, the first printer in Russia and Ukraine in 1572, looks over the Saturday book fair

Can I take your picture?
For a price.

Girl huddle to review photo shoot by statue of Taras Shevchenko

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